
アライズ仙台チャーチからのお知らせ news from Arise Sendai church

お知らせです!Big News!

アライズ仙台チャーチは2007年からジェンキンズ ジェレミー&久美子が牧師としてリードしてきましたが、今月末ジェンキンズは私たちの教会が所属しているアライズ5ネットワークの本部のある佐野リバイバルセンター(栃木県佐野市)に移動することになりました。アライズ仙台チャーチは佐野誠&瑠津夫妻にバトンタッチして続けて礼拝のために集まっていきます。
Arise Sendai church has been lead by Jeremy&Kumiko Jenkins since 2007, but the Jenkins are moving on to a new place at the end of this month. We will be joining the team at Sano Revival Center, where the headquarters of our Arise5 network is as well. Arise Sendai will continue to gather for worship, led by Makoto&Rutsu Sano.

We are thinking of all of you who have come to our church in the past. We hope that you are well! We are sorry we are not able to contact each one individually, but we think of you and pray blessings over you and your family! May the precious things that God has spoken to you remain, may the seeds sown in your hearts grow and bear much fruit!

Below is our March schedule before we move. As always, anyone is welcome. We have been endeavoring to communicate and impart what God puts on our hearts at this time every week. Come and join us to worship, come and experience His love!

3月7日、14日 土曜礼拝 明泉幼稚園丸山プレミアビル(7日はホール、14日は3階)にて 午後5時より
3月21日 仙台初穂の集会 泉区紫山グレープシティにて 午後5時より
3月28日 土曜礼拝 ジェンキンズ移動前最後の礼拝です
March 7th&14th - Saturday worship at Meysen Maruyama Premier building (7th-hall, 14th-3rd floor) from 5pm (with Apostle Ron Sawka)
March 21st - Sendai Firstfruits meeting at GrapeCity (Izumi-ku, Murasakiyama) from 5pm
March 28th - Saturday worship this will be the Jenkins' last service before we move