
毎週の礼拝の時間が変わります!!We're chaging our weekly worship service time!








We are chaging our service time from the 3rd week of this month!
From February 15th, we will be meeting on Saturday 5pm to 6:30pm instead of Sunday mornings!!!

Change starts from: Saturday, February 15th
(Feb 2nd and 9th are still the same as it has been; Sunday morning from 10:30)

Place: MeySen Kindergarten Maruyama campus, Premier building 1st floor hall

Time: 5pm to 6:30pm

We welcome children and adults, anybody, to our church! Please come and join us!
We pray that our church be a place where everybody can experience God's love and His goodness , regardless of their age,race or backgrounds! Come expecting!

For those of you with young children, we have a children's waiting area, which is set up for children to play and wait until the service starts. We ask that young children wait there before the service, so we can explain to them about what to expect in the service and to get ready.
Once the service starts, we will all praise and worship God - children and adults together! After praise and worship, Pastor Jeremy will talk to the children for a few minutes before they are sent off to kids church during the message.

We appreciate everybody's understanding and cooperation even if you are not used to being with young children. We hope to enjoy God altogether!
If you have any enquiry, write us at arise.sendaichurch@gmail.com (Japanese or English is ok).


ハイディ・ベイカーコンファレンスin佐野!!Conference with Heidi Baker!

30日(木)セッション1 19:00-
31日(金)セッション2 10:00-12:00  セッション3 14:00-17:00

全日参加 ¥5,000
部分参加 ¥2,000(各セッション)
お申し込みは、Eメールにて office@isano.org まで、お名前、住所、電話番号、教会名をご連絡下さい。お電話でのお申し込みは、0283-24-6653まで。
郵便振替口座 00110-9-18074 CIアジア
シティーホテルオークラ    0283-24-1234
ホテルサンルート佐野     0283-24-5000
ルートイン佐野藤岡インター  0283-27-0065
カンデオホテルズ佐野     0283-20-1560
 ■主催&お問合せ:Arise5 / 佐野リバイバルセンター
emai: japan@arise5.com/office@isano.org
tel: 0283-24-6653/0283-22-7550

Dates: January 30–31
Title: Anointing for a New Era

Location: Sano Revival Center (1617 Ohashi-cho, Sano-shi, Tochigi-ken, 327-0003)

Thursday, January 30
7:00 p.m., Session 1
Friday, January 31
10:00 a.m.–noon, Session 2
2:00–5:00 p.m., Session 3

Conference Fees:
Entire Conference, ¥5000
Per Session, ¥2000
To register, please send a message with your name, address, and phone number to office@isano.org. Registration may also be done by phone: 0283-24-6653. To complete registration, fees need to be paid by postal transfer. Our account information is as follows: 00110-9-18074 CIアジア (CI Asia).

The deadline for registration and payment is Friday, January 24. Seating is fairly limited. Please register early to ensure a spot.

Nearby Hotels:
City Hotel Okura, 0283-24-1234
Hotel Sun Route Sano, 0283-24-5000
Route Inn Sano, 0283-27-0065
Candeo Hotel Sano, 0283-20-1560
These are a few of the hotels in the area. Others may be found online.

Contact Information:
Venue: Sano Revival Center (1617 Ohashi-cho, Sano-shi, Tochigi-ken, 327-0003)
Email: japan@arise5.com, office@isano.org
Phone: 0283-24-6653/0283-22-7550



We're baptizing two people on Sunday, January 26th!
If any of you believed on Jesus and want to be baptized at the same time, let us know!
We will have a prepration session on Sunday, 19th at 9:30am before our worship service at Meysen Premier building 3rd floor.


1月5日の礼拝 Sunday worship in January 5th

First Sunday worship of 2014 this coming Sunday at 10:30am @maruyama meysen premier bldg 3rd floor!